The following information applies to COBRA participants. You will have the same three Cigna medical plan choices and the same vision plan and dental plans. 

Base High Deductible $4,000

Base High Deductible: 2025 Total Monthly Premiums Bi-Weekly Employee (26 pays) Cost COBRA 2% Fee  COBRA Monthly Cost
Employee 601.73 $19.15 $12.03 $613.76
Employee+Child $902.59 $65.09 $18.05 $920.64
Employee+Spouse $1,263.63 $95.26 $25.27 $1,288.90
Employee+Children $1,323.81 $96.84 $26.48 $1,350.29
Employee+Family $1,724.03 $168.06 $34.48 $1,758.51

Value High Deductible $2,500

Value High Deductible: 2025 Total Monthly Premiums Bi-Weekly Employee (26 pays) Cost COBRA 2% Fee  COBRA Monthly Cost
Employee $728.21 $45.72 $14.56 $742.77
Employee+Child $1,092.29 $87.23 $21.85 $1,114.14
Employee+Spouse $1,529.23 $134.02 $30.58 $1,559.81
Employee+Children $1,602.05 $147.37 $32.04 $1,634.09
Employee+Family $2,086.39 $250.46 $41.73 $2,128.12

Choice Open Access 

Choice Open Access: 2025 Total Monthly Premiums Bi-Weekly Employee (26 pays) Cost COBRA 2% Fee  COBRA Monthly Cost
Employee $761.37 $51.45 $15.23 $776.60
Employee+Child $1,142.04 $113.53 $22.84 $1,164.88
Employee+Spouse $1,598.87 $187.91 $31.98 $1,630.85
Employee+Children $1,675.01 $196.86 $33.50 $1,708.51
Employee+Family $2,181.42 $296.40 $43.63 $2,225.05

Delta Dental - Base Plan

Dental Dental: Base Plan 2025 Total Monthly Premiums Bi-Weekly Employee (26 pays) Cost COBRA 2% Fee  COBRA Monthly Cost
Employee Only $23.56 $10.87 $0.47 $24.03
Employee+Child $42.69 $19.70 $0.85 $43.54
Employee+Spouse $42.69 $19.70 $0.85 $43.54
Employee+Family $73.09 $33.73 $1.46 $74.55

Delta Dental - Enhanced Plan

Dental Dental: Enhanced Plan 2025 Total Monthly Premiums Bi-Weekly Employee (26 pays) Cost COBRA 2% Fee  COBRA Monthly Cost
Employee Only $34.82 $16.07 $0.70 $35.52
Employee+Child $63.08 $29.11 $1.26 $64.34
Employee+Spouse $63.08 $29.11 $1.26 $64.34
Employee+Family $108.00 $49.85 $2.16 $110.16

EyeMed Vision

Anthem EyeMed Vision: 2025 Total Monthly Premiums Bi-Weekly Employee (26 pays) Cost COBRA 2% Fee  COBRA Monthly Cost
Employee Only $4.83 $2.23 $0.10 $4.93
Employee+Child $8.45 $3.90 $0.17 $8.62
Employee+Spouse $8.45 $3.90 $0.17 $8.62
Employee+Children $9.66 $4.46 $0.19 $9.85
Employee+Family $14.06 $6.49 $0.28 $14.34