
Benefit for Staff Employees

Employees can view their accrued vacation time in their Payslips and in their Absence Balances in Workday.

Vacation Leave Accrual

  • Monthly/Exempt employees will accrue vacation leave based on the number of hours paid in the pay period.
  • When the payroll is processed (usually around the 25-27th of the month), leave balances will be updated with the hours accrued for that month.
  • Vacation leave is based on your anniversary date.
    [Example: Employee is hired on June 1, 2008. The anniversary date is June 1.]
  • The maximum vacation accumulated by an employee may not exceed twice the yearly allowance. Once an employee has accumulated twice their yearly allowance, they will not accrue any additional vacation until vacation time is used and vacation balance is below two times the yearly allowance.
    [Example: Employee has 10 years of service. The maximum accrual is twice the yearly accrual of 18 days for a total of 36 days.]
  • To ensure that you continue accruing vacation if you are nearing your maximum accrual, submit your leave and have it approved by the 20th of your anniversary month.
  • Vacation can be requested and approved in advance of the actual vacation time in Workday. Learn how with the Workday Get Help page.
  • Please plan ahead to ensure that you continue accruing vacation and that all leave reports through your anniversary month are submitted and approved.

Staff Vacation Leave Policy

Staff accrue vacation time according to the length of continuous University service: 

Length of Continuous Service

Monthly Accrual*

Bi-weekly  accrual**

Yearly Accrual

Maximum Accrual*

1 month-9 years

1.25 days

.57 days

15 days

30 days

9 years and 1 month-14 years

1.5 days

.69 days

18 days

36 days

14 years and 1 month or more

1.67 days

.76 days

20 days

40   days



*10 and 11-month staff accrue during the pay periods they are scheduled to work. They do not accrue during the months they are not scheduled to work and do not receive a pay check or are receiving their deferred payout (if applicable).

**The amount of vacation will be based on the hours paid in the pay period; including vacation, sick, holiday, bereavement leave, etc.

Part-time employees accrue vacation time on a pro-rated basis.

Staff members who are part of the President’s Cabinet do not accrue nor accumulate vacation time and will not be paid out for unused vacation time upon departure from the University.

Calculation of Vacation Time Accrued:

Eligible employees accrue vacation every pay-period as long as they are in a paid status, (e.g. regular, vacation, sick leave, holiday, etc.) and they have not already reached their maximum accrual.

Employees will earn vacation based on the number of hours paid each pay period; including vacation, sick, holiday, bereavement leave, etc. with the exception of new exempt employees. New exempt employees who work for at least one day of the month will receive their full accrual for that month. Exempt employees who are leaving the University, will not accrue time for their last month unless they work the full month.

Employees on unpaid leave of absence do not accrue vacation time.


Year to Year Accumulation of Vacation Time:

Earned vacation may be taken at times mutually acceptable to the employee and the immediate supervisor. Requests to use vacation time must be agreed to and approved in advance. Department work requirements will always be a prime consideration and the employee's supervisor will make final decisions as to when vacation may be taken.

Non-exempt employees will record their vacation time in 15 minutes increments, similar to worked time.

Exempt employees must take vacation time in half or full-day increments.

Employees must take eligible paid time off (sick, vacation, parental leave) prior to going on leave without pay.

Eligible employees regularly scheduled to work less than 12 months per year must take vacation time during their normal work schedules.


Scheduling Vacation:

Earned vacation may be taken at times mutually acceptable to the employee and the immediate supervisor. Requests to use vacation time must be agreed to and approved in advance. Department work requirements will always be a prime consideration and the employee's supervisor will make final decisions as to when vacation may be taken.

Non-exempt employees will record their vacation time in hours, similar to worked time.

Exempt employees must take vacation time in half or full-day increments.

Employees must take eligible paid time off (sick, vacation, parental leave) prior to going on leave without pay.

Eligible employees regularly scheduled to work less than 12 months per year must take vacation time during their normal work schedules.

Negative Vacation Balances:

The University reserves the right to reduce an employee’s paycheck if their leave balance goes into a negative balance.


Payment Upon Separation:

Employees may not take vacation during the two weeks prior to their resignation/retirement date.

Employees who separate/retire from University employment will be paid for unused vacation days up to the employee’s yearly accrual plus five days, not necessarily their maximum accrual. Should an employee die while in active service, pay for accumulated vacation will be paid to the estate of the employee. Employees who are terminated for gross misconduct (incidents of serious misconduct, including but not limited to theft, fraud or violence in the workplace), are not eligible to be paid for accumulated vacation. 

View the Staff Vacation Leave Policy.