Pay Grades & Decisions

Pay Grades

The University of Richmond's salary structure enables the University to manage compensation competitively against the market through market-based salary grade ranges that provide enough width to account for variation in individual experience and performance.

The UR salary structure contains 12 grades. Each of the grades has a minimum, midpoint, and maximum reflecting the range of compensation in the market for the positions in the grade. UR benchmark positions (e.g., positions for which market data is available) are placed into the structure based primarily on an analysis of compensation in the market for each of the positions, along with internal equity considerations. Non-benchmark positions (e.g., positions that are unique to the University or for which market data is not available) are placed into the structure based on a comparison of the scope, impact, and responsibility of the position to benchmark positions.

The salary structure provides guidelines for UR to set and manage compensation. Employees can expect to be paid within the range of the grade for their position. Employees primarily advance through a grade through annual performance-based increases.

View the University of Richmond salary structure.

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Pay Decisions

The guidelines outlined for making employee pay decisions take into consideration multiple factors. These include an employee's skills, knowledge, experience, and performance, while ensuring consistency and maintaining internal equity and market competitiveness. The guidelines also support pay decisions for a variety of circumstances, as seen in the items listed on the left-hand side.

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Additional Compensation

From time to time, it may be necessary for employees to take on responsibilities that are distinctly separate from or in addition to their primary position. Appropriate compensation for the nature of these assignments will be determined by Human Resources in consultation with the employee's manager on a case-by-case basis.

An exempt employee, by nature of his/her position, is considered to be available for work assignments without additional remuneration at times other than his/her regularly scheduled hours. However, there are circumstances when additional payment may be appropriate.

A non-exempt employee who takes on additional duties will be paid for all hours worked.  If a change to their hourly rate is approved by HR, the new rate must be paid on all hours worked, including overtime.

  • A supervisor must consult with their HR Business Partner before establishing payment or committing to pay an employee for additional duties. The request must be approved by Human Resources prior to any communication with the employee.
  • If the request is approved, any additional compensation must be paid through the department's budget.The employee must have any necessary qualifications for the temporary duties assigned.
  • Before requesting additional pay for an employee please ensure that there are no other employees in the department/division who may not be working at full capacity who could help with some of these duties.
  • There are four different methods for compensating additional work:
  1. Performing Work of a Vacant Position (Acting/Interim)
    is to be used to request additional compensation for a staff member who temporarily assumes responsibility for, and performance of, another position in addition to his or her primary position responsibilities.
  2. Lump Sum Payments for Project or Supplemental Work is appropriate for work performed that is distinctly different and unrelated to the employee’s primary position that occurs within a short period of time.
  3. Secondary or overload position is to used for work that is being performed on an ongoing basis and is distinctly separate from and unrelated to an employee’s primary position
  4. A one-time bonus for accomplishing extraordinary and above normal expectations of the basic duties of the job.

The performance of work outside an employee's regular duties or department should not conflict with or reduce effectiveness of the employee's performance of his or her primary position responsibilities.

All decisions regarding the appropriateness of additional compensation or secondary jobs must be approved by Human Resources.

Submit a request here

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