Smoking and Vaping Policy


This policy applies to all buildings and properties owned by the University of Richmond.


Smoking is defined as the act of lighting, smoking or carrying a lighted or smoldering cigar, cigarette, pipe or e-cigarette of any kind.


The University of Richmond prohibits smoking or vaping (e-cigarettes), inside classrooms and administrative buildings, residential facilities, dining areas, athletic facilities and university owned vehicles.  Smoking is prohibited within 25 feet of the outside of any building to prevent smoke and e-cigarette vapors from entering through entrances, windows, ventilation systems, or other means.

Responsibilities of Faculty, Students and Staff:

All university faculty, staff, and students share the responsibility for maintaining a healthy campus environment.  Faculty and Staff who participate in the University’s health insurance plan may take advantage of any smoking cessation program offered through such plans. Student Health Services will provide access to smoking cessation programs for students upon request.

Faculty, staff, and students are permitted to notify any person violating this policy to discontinue smoking immediately or move to the requisite distance from a building.  Issues of non-compliance should be reported to a supervisor in the building. 

Responsibilities of Supervisors

It is the responsibility of each supervisor, manager, department head, director, dean, and area coordinator to enforce the provisions of this policy within their areas of work.  If a manager or supervisor cannot be located or if the responsible person is unable to remedy the situation, the Office of Safety and Risk Management should be contacted for assistance.  The Office of Safety and Risk Management will review the infraction and refer to the appropriate authority for corrective action.

View the Smoking and Vaping Policy .