Provide Training for my Employees


Role of Supervisor

  • Understand department and university policies and procedures regarding conduct and communicate clear performance standards, training and direction for employee
  • Provide regular, constructive, objective and respectful feedback
  • Hold employees accountable for performance
  • Address performance issues earl
  • Document performance discrepancies and actions taken
  • Contact Human Resources

Role of Human Resources

  • Assistmanagers in assessing the situation
  • Ensure compliance with university policies
  • Coach managers in writing letters and having conversations with employees

Process Steps

Create a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) when you have identified a performance problem, when feedback and coaching have not been effective in improving performance, and you are looking for ways to improve the performance of an employee. The Performance Improvement Plan plays an integral role in correcting performance discrepancies. It is a tool to monitor and measure the deficient work products, processes, and/or behaviors of a particular employee in an effort to improve performance or modify behavior.

  1. Review applicable policy (i.e. leave, attendance, etc.)
  2. Gather and review relevant information
    • Past performance reviews
    • Prior disciplinary actions
    • Notes of previous conversations and disciplinary actions
  3. Develop the Performance Improvement Plan.
  4. Review the PIP with your HR Business Partner
  5. Deliver the PIP to the employee
  6. Follow the PIP timetable and follow up with the employee regularly


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