Staff Parental Leave Policy

Staff Parental Leave Policy

Eight weeks of paid parental leave are allowed for the mother, father, adoptive parent, or foster parent to care for and bond with a newborn, newly adopted, or newly-placed foster child, within 12 months of the birth, adoption, or state placement of a child. The eight weeks of paid parental leave include any holidays during that time, with the exception of the University's winter break.


This leave is available to full-time staff with at least one year of full-time service at the University at the time of the event (birth, adoption, etc.). You may download the form here.


  • Paid parental leave should generally commence following the birth, adoption, or placement of a child, but in some instances, may occur prior to the event when deemed medically necessary or when it is requisite to fulfill the legal requirements for an adoption, provided all eligibility requirements are met. Employees may be asked to provide a birth certificate, adoption agreement, or court papers. Paid parental leave must be the first leave used for the birth, adoption, or placement of a child. 
  • Paid parental leave will run concurrently with Family and Medical Leave Act leave. If the amount of FMLA leave available is less than the amount of paid parental leave to be taken, paid parental leave will still be granted as specified in this policy, without regard to the existence of the individual's available FMLA leave. 
  • Paid parental leave must be used consecutively. 
  • Paid parental leave shall be exhausted prior to the use of vacation or sick leave when such leave is requested for the purpose of a birth or adoption event. (Sick leave may only be used after parental leave if a doctor has certified that an employee may not return to work due to medical reasons). 
  • Paid parental leave shall be exhausted prior to the use of unpaid leave. 
  • One paid parental leave benefit is available per employee, per birth, adoption, or placement event. The number of children involved does not increase the length of paid parental leave granted for that event. 
  • Should both parents be University employees, the maximum paid parental leave available to the couple is eight weeks. 
  • While on parental leave the employee may not work secondary jobs at the University. 
  • If an employee does not return to work after parental leave and give proper advance notice (two weeks) they may be responsible for reimbursing the University full payment for compensation paid while on leave.

View the Staff Parental Leave Policy .

Married Couple Rule

If both spouses are employed by UR, the combined FMLA for the following reasons shall not exceed 12 weeks during any 12-month period.

  • For the birth of a child or to care for a child after birth
  • For placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care, or to care for the child after placement
  • To care for the employee’s own parent with a serious health condition. (Care for in-laws is not covered.)
  • The combined total FMLA available to eligible spouses for caring for a covered service member with a serious illness or injury, bonding leave, for placement of a child for adoption or foster care, to care for a child after placement, and to care for the employee's parent with a serious health condition, is 26 weeks during any 12-month period
  • Where spouses use a portion of the total combined FMLA leave entitlement for any of the above reasons, the spouses would each be entitled to the difference between the amount he or she has taken individually and 12 weeks for FMLA leave for other purposes