Behavioral Health

URWELL Employee, a partnership between Human Resources and Health Promotion, provides a behavioral health program that supports our employees' full mental and emotional well-being.

Onsite Behavioral Health Counselor

Short-term, onsite counseling is available to all employees for no additional charge. The onsite behavioral health counselor will assist employees maneuver through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and deliver a deeper level of engagement. They can also provide management consultation and training support.

In addition, our onsite behavioral health counselor may serve as a local resource for:

  • Critical incident stress management services (natural disasters, employee deaths and disruptive events)
  • EAP wellness seminars and participation in wellness events

Contact Your Behavioral Health Counselor

Your appointments are confidential and private. Contact our counselor directly for appointments.

Shauna Christian
Behavioral Health Counselor
On site Thursdays 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Well-Being Center, Room W405

Schedule confidential appointments here

Behavioral Health Toolkit

Challenges to mental well-being come in many forms, and so do the ways we can work through them. Whether you need help reducing stress, are feeling motivated to make a change in your life, or need to talk to someone, we offer a variety of behavioral support tools and services to help ensure you get the support that works best for you. These include:

Download the toolkit for more information now!

How to Find a Cigna Behavioral or Emotional Health Provider: A Step by Step Guide